Muhammad Ali Memon, Arif Jamsheed.
Radiation induced Esophageal cancer in Hodgkin`s disease.
J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci Jun ;6(1):33-6.

An interesting case was found while audit / computation of previous medical record during last year at Nuclear Institute of Medical Radiotherapy Jamshoro - Pakistan. Case was a young lady who presented with upper third esophageal carcinoma some 14 years, after the patient had external beam radiotherapy by upper mantle field set up for stage I-A Hodgkin`s disease. Long latent period, site of the second cancer at the most in-homogenous dose distribution during previous radiotherapy and deviation of age at presentation from standards seem the previous radiotherapy as cause of this second primary cancer. This case report will help to identify the factors / tools responsible for this deadly complication and for improvement in the management profile of such patients.

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