Tariq Hayat Khan, Salim M.
Epidural steroid injections - A review.
Anesth Pain Intens Care Jun ;9(2):30-7.

Back pain is a common, pervasive, and expensive problem. The workup of any patient with acute, subacute, or chronic back pain must clarify whether the patient is seriously ill or not. It is essential to acknowledge that patients in pain want to know what is causing the pain, not so much what they do not have. Treating the cause of the pain is more likely to be successful than merely treating the symptom of pain. Patients should be actively selected for all procedures including ESIs, each time they present for treatment. The clinical decision at that time is based on assessment of their particular physical and nonphysical findings. ESIs are not to be viewed as generic treatment for all patients with back pain complaints. Rather, nerve blocks are but one component of a coordinated treatment program that balances the continuation of effective therapy with the cessation of any tha is not working or that may be causing side effects. ESIs can help patients achieve the goals of acute and chronic pain management. This is a review article.

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