Mohammad Abdul Naeem, Ghulam Mohammad Uttra.
Etiology of increased incidence of Megaloblastic anemia in district Gilgit.
Pak J Pathol Jun ;18(1):15-6.

Objective: To identify the etiological factors responsible for increased incidence of megaloblastic anaemia in district Gilgit. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of sixty one patients (n=61) was done who were diagnosed as patients of chronic anaemia. They were referred for bone marrow examination. Out of these, twenty two cases (n=22) were diagnosed as megaloblastic anaemia. Serum samples of all the patients were sent to AFIP for estimation of B12 and folate levels. A detailed history with special emphasis on dietary habits was noted. Patients included in the study were either retired Armed Forces personal (n=6) who had been living in district Gilgit for over period of five years. Other patients (n=16) were serving Army personal who had been serving in district Gilgit for over one year. Results: Out of twenty two patients (n=22), only three (n=3, 13.6 %) had poor dietary history. A total of sixteen (n=16, 72.7%) patients had diarrhoea .Out of these sixteen, ten patients (n=10, 62.5%) had vegetative forms of gardia lamblia in their stools specimens. All (n=10) patients, who had giardiasis, had dyspeptic symptoms as their initial complaints. Twenty two serum samples were sent to AFIP for Vit B12 and folate level estimation. A total of seven patients (n=7, 31.8%) had low Vit B12 levels, while one patient (n=1, 4.5 %) had decreased level of both Vit B12 and folate. Conclusion: Chronic giardisasis and dietary insufficiency may be a major cause for increased incidence of megaloblastic anaemia in district Gilgit.

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