Shoaib Ahmed Gangat, Iqbal Ahmed Memon, Noshad A Shaikh, Mohammad Afzal Ahmed, Anjum Rehman.
The prevalence of Hydatid cyst and its outcome.
Med Channel Jun ;13(2):42-4.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of hydatid cyst and its outcome. DESIGN: Prospective, descriptive study DURATION AND PLACE: Conducted at Surgical Unit IV, Civil Hospital, Karachi from March 2002 to March 2006. INCLUSION CRITERIA: All the patients suspected of suffering from Hydatid cysts were included. RESULTS: Total number of cases encountered were 29 out of which 17 males and 12 females were afflicted. Peak age group patients were labours, farmers, housewives CONCLUSION: The prevalence is comparable to the incidence elsewhere and surgical treatment alone was found to be adequate in majority.

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