Muhammad Waqar Azeem, Nazish Imran.
Autism: Assessment and Management.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;23(5):970-8.

Autism and the related pervasive developmental disorders are characterized by patterns of delay and deviance in the development of social, communicative and cognitive skills, which arise in the first years in life. Differential diagnosis includes other psychiatric and pervasive developmental disorders, deafness and profound hearing loss. Autism is frequently associated with fragile X syndrome and tuberous sclerosis. Common co-morbidities include Mental Retardation, Seizure Disorder and Psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. Early detection and intervention significantly improve outcomes, with about one third of autistic persons achieving some degree of independent living. Various treatment modalities administered by Multidisciplinary team are helpful. (e.g. Pharmacotherapy, special education, speech, communication therapy, and behavior modification). A Medline search dating back to 1970 was done, to look at the literature related to autism. Based on this search, up to date review of autism has been discussed with special emphasis on assessment and management. This is a review article.

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