Razia Chaudhry, Naheed H Sheikh.
Socio-demographic differentials and health services utilization practices among known hyperglycemic females.
Biomedica Jun ;23:125-30.

To find out the health utilization practices among known hyperglycaemic females of age 4o and above and to compare the rates among women of different socioeconomic strata. It is an analytical cross-sectional study. One hundred known hyperglycaemic females of age 40 and above were interviewed and required information was collected by structured questionnaire through house to house survey. Fifty eight (58%) women seek treatment for diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2, while 42 did not, for one or another reason. Among single women, utilization rates were high (73%), as compared to married coupled women (51.4%). Education (p = 0.00031), occupation (p = 0.0003), family income > Rs. 15000/ cap./ m (p = 0.0013), small family size > 7 (p = 0.0009), positive family history of diabetes mellitus type 2, BMI > 28, hypertension with D.M. type 2 (B.P > 140/90, P=0.00011) and among females with previous history of gestational DM (utilization rate 100%, p=0.00038) were significantly associated with high utilization rates. Distance of health care facility (> 5km), cost of travel, cost of drugs, family income < Rs. 1500/ cap/m. and low perception for serious complications of disease were the reasons for low utilization rates. Gender discrimination, faith in quacks and spiritual healers, myths regarding treatment, unsafe travelling and treatment from male doctors were not identified as risk factors for non utilisation of health services for the management of D.M type 2. Health seeking practices and utilization rates among hyperglycaemic females of this defined rural community were not very low (58%). No perception for serious complications of D.M. and economic constraints were the main reasons for non utilisation of health services as compared to socio-cultural factors and myths.

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