Muhammad Ali, Syed Zafar Abbas, Farhat Sultana, Waseem Akhtar, Steve Shaw, Syed Qamar Abbas.
Non-B, Non-C Hepatitis as a cause of advanced chronic liver disease requiring medical admission at a rural centre in Pakistan.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;24(2):278-82.

Objectives: To study the frequency and mortality of hepatitis B and C negative chronic liver disease (CLD) at a rural tertiary centre in Pakistan. Methodology: Data was collected retrospectively from the case notes of all the 176 patients consecutively admitted with advanced CLD in our medical ward during one year period. Patients, who were seropositive for hepatitis B and / or C, were separated from those who were negative for them, and the data was analysed. Results: Thirty five patients (20%) were negative for both viral markers. They were more likely to die during the admission than those who were seropositive (11% VS 25% - p = 0.029). Conclusions: A significant proportion of patients with CLD are negative for viral markers. These patients are at higher risk of mortality, and need testing for other causes of CLD as some of them may benefit from curative treatments available.

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