Badar Murtaza, Imran Bashir Malik, Asad Mahmood, Muhammad Ashraf Sharif, Saira Saeed, Altaf Satti.
Cholecysto-hydatid cyst fistula.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;18(12):778-80.

We present a case of recurrent hydatid cyst liver in a 32-year-old female. Previous surgery was performed 8 years ago elsewhere. Pre-operative assessment at presentation revealed a 110 x 105 mm hydatid cyst in the right lobe of the liver. On exploration, a 5 mm fistulous communication was found between the hydatid cyst and the gallbladder. Patient was subjected to endocystectomy (partial cystectomy), cholecystectomy and closure of the fistula followed by obliteration of the cavity with omentum. Postoperative recovery was uneventful.

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