Aqeela Hamad, Vaid Qureshi H Javaid.
Dyslipidaemia in recently diagnosed young subjects of type 1 diabetes mellitus with normal/favourable BMI: a risk factor of macrovascular disease.
Biomedica Jun ;24(2):130-3.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the lipid profile of recently diagnosed uncomplicated young type 1 diabetic children. This cross- sectional prospective study based on total of 79 subjects between the ages of 9-16 years, it includes 39 diabetic children (both male and females) & 40 sex and age matched normal healthy children as controls. The study subjects underwent detailed medical history and examination. Individuals with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, Cushing`s syndrome, thyrotoxicosis, obesity, hypertension or any major illness and those on medications known to affect body composition excluded from the study. Fasting blood samples were drawn from the participants for biochemical assays. Anthropometric and blood pressures both systolic and diastolic were measured by standard methods. The characteristics of study sample & mean lipid levels are shown in table 1, 2 & 3. Type i diabetic children have elevated levels of lipids despite short duration of disease and normal BMI as compared to healthy age and sex matched control children. Type 1 diabetic male children had more dyslipidaemia as compared to female type 1 diabetic patients. The results indicate dyslipidaemia in type 1 diabetic children despite short duration of diabetes. High lipid profile along with poor metabolic control is an important risk factor for chronic complications of diabetes mellitus like micro vascular and macro vascular diseases. There is intense need of early screening and interventions, to prevent cardiovascular disease in high risk diabetic patients.

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