Usman Abaidullah.
Cervical Lymphadenopathy Experience in Allied Hospital.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;10(12):458-460.

Cervical lymphadenopathy is seen frequently in surgical outpatient department and indoors. A study was done in Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, over a period of 06 years i.e. from April, 1994 to April, 2000. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the etiology of cervical lymphadenopathy in our study. This study includes 1000 patients who presented in outpatient department of this hospital. The history, clinical examination and base line investigations were done there. The complete blood examination, X-Ray chest, Mountox test and FNAC of lymph nodes were done as base line investigations. The male to female ratio was 1:1.2. The maximum patients were in 11-20 years of age (51%) followed by 21-30 years (24.4%) and 0-10 years (10.5%). The youngest patient was 4 years old and the oldest was 60 years. The clinical features were fever, loss of weight and anorexia. The axillary and hilar groups of lymph nodes were involved concomitantly in 21.5% and 23.7% respectively. The low Hb & raised ESR were seen only in 58.8% & 46.6% respectively in tuberculosis. In conclusion the commonest pathology found was tuberculosis (65.7%) followed by nonspecific lymphadinitis (18.5%) & lymphomas (10.7%).

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