Sikander Adil Mughal, Muhammad Azhar Mugha, Mevo Khan Zardari, Syed Tousif Ahmed.
A study of exercise-induced bronchospasm in Urban and Rural school children of Sindh.
Pak J Physiol Jun ;4(2):33-5.

Background: Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood; asthma prevalence and incidence have been increasing in children in developed countries during the past few decades. The rapid increase of asthma in developed and urban environments is more likely explained by changes in environment and life style. The purpose of this study was to know the prevalence and comparison of Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm (EIB) positive urban and rural school children by simple free running test. Methods: This study was conducted at Department of Physiology BMSI, JPMC Karachi with collaboration of urban and rural schools of Sindh. A total number of 498, apparently healthy study subjects of either sex, age ranging from 9–16 years were selected for this study. Subjects exercised for 6 min by simple running at 80% of their maximum heart rate recorded by pulse oximeter, and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate was measured by using PEF meter. Results: In this study the prevalence of EIB+ve in urban school children was 39.35% and in rural school children it was 31.72%. Conclusion: It is concluded that the prevalence of EIB is higher in urban school children when compared with the prevalence of rural schoolchildren of Sindh.

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