Muhammad Amjad Amin, Muhammad Zafar Khan, Mansoor Ali Khan, Naseer Ahmad Tariq.
Diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis in the Leg by Using Color Coded Duplex Sonography.
J Ayub Med Coll Abottabad Jun ;13(3):22-3.

Background: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is regarded rare in Asia. There is no documentation of the incidence of DVT in Pakistan. Clinical diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis is inaccurate. Venography is the most reliable method of diagnosis, but it has several disadvantages. Many noninvasive diagnostic methods have therefore been developed in the past decade. Of these only duplex sonography has comparable accuracy. Methods: We studied 100 cases of suspected DVT by using, color coded duplex sonography. We report the results of a prospective study in patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis evaluated by both color coded Doppler sonography and venography. Conclusion: We conclude that color coded duplex sonography is a highly accurate, simple, non-invasive method for detecting femoropopliteal thrombosis. Additional venography is not necessary. Its value in diagnosing isolated calf vein thrombosis remains to be established.

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