Nadia Iftikhar, Atiya Rahman, Shahbaz A Janjua.
Vitiligo appearing in striae distensae as a koebner phenomenon.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;19(12):796-7.

Koebner phenomenon, the appearance of preexisting skin lesions following trauma to previously uninvolved skin, has been seen frequently with vitiligo. The type of trauma leading to Koebner phenomenon can vary from scratching, surgical scars, radiotherapy, burns, irritation from drug use and laser therapy. Striae distensae are a form of injury to the skin and in this particular case resulted from rapid increase in body size at puberty and possibly the use of systemic steroids for the treatment of vitiligo. The appearance of vitiligo in striae distensae as a form of Koebner phenomenon has been reported rarely. We describe a 14-year-old boy with vitiligo for the past 2 years, which Koebnerized in the striae distensae.

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