Mizanur Rahman, Mohammad Saiful Islam, Jalal Ahmed.
Tiger bite: an unapprehended injury.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;19(9):595-7.

This short communication describes the various modes of presentation, complications and management of tiger bite. All patients presenting to the emergency department with a history of tiger bite were included in the study. A total of 6 patients were admitted at the Department of Surgery, Khulna Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh, from 2003 to 2006. Injury involved different parts of the body; predominantly, the upper part. All patients needed emergency surgery including wound toileting, debridement and even reconstructive surgery. One patient died due to infective complications. Tiger bite is a major public health problem in the greater Sundarban area of Bangladesh. Timely hospitalization and effective management can save valuable human lives. (Review Article)

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