Maryam Nooritajer, Azar Aghamohammadi.
The comparative study of pregnancy outcomes in primiparous and multiparous women with increasing age.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;26(2):430-3.

Objective: To compare the pregnancy outcomes in primiparous women and multiparous (more suitable word for our population) women over 35 and below 35 years. Methodology: This is a descriptive comparative study which enrolled 1021 pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes were compared in 4 groups of primiparous and multifarious women over and below 35. To analyze the inputs using SPSS software, the ÷2 test, Fisher, Odds-Ratio and logistic regression with forward method were used Results: In primiparous women, there is a statistically significant relation between the age over 35 and preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm labor, cesarean section and low birth weight. In multiparous women, there is a significant relation between age of over 35, preeclampsia and low birth weight. In the women over 35 years parity is effective on the measure of preeclampsia and cesarean delivery. Conclusion: Mother‘s increased age can be an independent factor for pregnancy outcomes. The primiparous women are more likely to be affected by age. As a matter of fact the aged women can have a natural vaginal delivery with a term infant and the over age mustn‘t be a contraindication for pregnancy.

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