Omar Khokhar, Miraj Mohammad Khan, Sahibzada Mahmood Noor, Khan Nawaz.
Alternative Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C.
J Rawal Med Coll Jun ;5(1):31-3.

A total of 102 patients suffering from Chronic Hepatitis C were studied regarding mode of treatment and the symptomatic response. They were either admitted in the medical wards of Holy Family Hospital and Rawalpindi General Hospital, Rawalpindi, or presented in the Medical Outdoor Department of these hospitals. Whereas 58 (57%,) had been on conventional treatment alone, 44 (43%) had also consulted homeopathic doctors, hakims and religious healers. Of those consulting homeopaths, 91% reported symptomatic improvement while 50% of those treated by hakims and others benefited symptomatically. Since a number of products in alternative therapy have distinct molecular actions, it may be prudent to look further into these components to determine if they may be of value in providing a relatively inexpensive way to treat Chronic Hepatitis C.

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