Mohammed Zafar Iqbal, Mohammed Zulfiqar Ali, Sherona Masood, Mohammed Anwar, Mohammed Jahangir, Shumaila Irum.
Method of circumcision practiced in central pakistan and their complications.
J Sheikh Zayed Med Coll Jun ;1(2):56-9.

Background: Circumcision is the most common surgical intervention performed in non-medical settings. It is the most common but neglected procedure in our country. Barbers, quakes and other non qualified persons perform circumcision by their own methods without proper sterilization and without knowing the consequences. Objectives: The objective of our study were to determine different methods of circumcision and outcome of these methods in central Pakistan. Patients & Methods: This was an observational study conducted by the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan. A total of 600 cases were included in this study and information was recorded on a pre-designed performa. Attendants/parents having the best knowledge regarding circumcision of the child were interviewed. Related clinics were contacted to determine the methods of circumcision and sterilization techniques, where found necessary. Results: Out of 600 cases 157 (26.17%) were circumcised in the 1st month of life (mean age: 10±3.5 days), 92(15.33%) in first year (mean age: 7±2.4 months) and 351 (58.5%) between one to twelve years of age (mean age: 6±2.33 year). Regarding the methods of circumcision, bone cutter method was the commonest, 307 (51.17%), whereas, only 60 (10%) were under circumcised by plastibell technique. Complications were more with barber method and less with plastibell technique. Under circumcision (too less prepuce is removed) is the commonest complication with barber method. Out of 110, the 11 children (10%) were under circumcised. In bone cutter method, out of 307 cases, 15 (4.87%) were under circumcised. No case was under circumcised with plastibell or open method. With barber method 06 cases (5.45%) got infected. They consulted doctors and were cured with antibiotics. Three (0.977%) cases were infected with bone cutter method. Bleeding occurred in 10 patients after bone cutter method and stitching was done. There was no bleeding with plastibell or open method. Conclusion: Our study showed that a big proportion (41%) of male children are still getting circumcised by unskilled (quacks and barbers) operators and commonest method of circumcision was bone cutter method. There is a dire need to educate the people regarding age, methods of circumcision and their possible complications.

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