Fouzia Perveen, Ghufrana Umer Memon, Syeda Rabia.
Use of bilateral internal iliac artery ligation for controlling severe obstetric haemorrhage.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;27(1):94-7.

Objective: To study the role of bilateral internal iliac artery ligation (BIAL) in arresting intractable postpartum haemorrhage. Methodology: This study of case series was conducted in Civil Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan from July 2008 to December 2009 over a period of one and half years during which all the patients who needed BIAL for control of severe obstetric haemorrhage were included and their detailed characteristics were recorded on a proforma. Main outcome measure was the effectiveness to control haemorrhage, which was assessed by the per-operative assessment of arrest of intraperitoneal or vaginal bleeding and need of additional hysterectomy. Result: During this period total eight patients underwent BIAL, three for PPH due to atony, two for placenta praevia and one each for placenta increta, ruptured uterus and coagulopathy. Three patients needed hysterectomy, out of which one followed BIAL because of failure to control bleeding (failure rate 16.66%). While two other patients underwent hysterectomy before BIAL. Failure to control bleeding was evident immediately and no patient needed re-laparotomy. Two women developed wound infection one maternal death occurred due to coagulopathy and its complications. None of the patient had iliac vein injury or any ischaemic complications during inpatient stay. Conclusions: We conclude that BIAL is a safe and effective procedure for treating life threatening obstetric haemorrhage with preservation of future reproductive capacity.

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