Amal Al Siyabi, Rashid Manzoor Khan, Naresh Kaul, Awad Othman Abdul, Sujit Nair.
Use of the lightwand (trachlight TM) as an aid to tracheal intubation in patient with limited mouth opening and failed Macintosh laryngoscopy.
J Pak Med Students Jun ;1(2):52-5.

A 50-year old male patient with multi-organ failure and gangrene of the face was brought to the operation theater for an emergency debridement of the gangrenous tissue. Poor oral hygiene with loose teeth and limited mouth opening led to failure of rigid Macintosh laryngoscopy. Fiberoptic tracheal intubation was not adopted as an intubating aid as the patient was suspected of having pulmonary tuberculosis and there was a risk of equipment contamination. Lightwand (TrachlightTm) assisted tracheal intubation proved successful on the first attempt under general anesthesia despite the difficult airway of the patient. During lightwand assisted tracheal intubation, patient maintained good oxygenation as he continued to receive apneic oxygenation via a nasal catheter.

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