Saeeda Baig, Faiza Hassan, Sana Aftab Khan.
The calcium connection - deficient mothers with normal newborn.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;21(2):123-4.

A cross-sectional study on blood calcium levels of pregnant women of low socioeconomic status was designed to find out the consequences of low levels on the outcome of pregnancy. Blood samples from 52 women and their cord were collected at the time of delivery. Calcium was analyzed calorimetrically in maternal as well as cord blood. For comparative analysis, levels of phosphorus were analyzed on atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results were compared with 24 nonpregnant age matched controls. Calcium levels were significantly low (p < 0.01), in maternal (8.13±0.40 mg/dl) and cord blood (8.69±0.28mg/dl) compared to controls (10.5±0.6 mg/dl) and significantly higher in primiparous mothers (M=8.2±0.78 mg/dl,C=8.1±0.50 mg/dl) compared to multiparous (M=6.4±0.59 mg/dl,C=7.9±0.53 mg/dl). Calcium levels were also found significantly lower in mothers who had a miscarriage (M=7.60±0.37 mg/dl,C=9.1±0.65 mg/dl) before this pregnancy than the primiparous and the controls. The results on the whole suggest that women tend to develop a marginal calcium deficiency after pregnancy.

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