Avinash De Sousa, Sunaina Singhvi.
Depressive symptoms in mothers of children with cerebral palsy.
J Pak Psych Soc Jun ;8(1):12-7.

Objective: To find out depression in mothers of children with cerebral palsy, exploring the various factors that affect depressive symptoms in these mothers. Design: Cross sectional study. Place and duration of study: The study took place over a three year period between January 2006 and January 2009 in the city of Mumbai. Subjects and Methods: 200 mothers of children with cerebral palsy were compared to normal controls on depression scores using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). These scores were compared within the group on the basis of various maternal, child and family factors. Results: Both groups were well matched in all respects. 71% mothers of children with cerebral palsy reported depression compared to 33% in the control group. The presence of increasing age, poor spousal support, unemployment and low education seemed to aggravate depression in these mothers. Having another child with normal development, good family support and joint families served as protective factors. Presence of epilepsy in the child, low intelligence, severity of paralysis, motor problems, feeding issues and behavioral problems along with poor toilet training worsened BDI scores in these mothers. Conclusions: Maternal, child and familial factors all affect depression in mothers of children. Further research shall be of help in the management of depression in such subjects.

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