Rafique Ahmed Memon, Badar Abbasi, Riaz Ahmed Qazi.
The importance of abnormal coagulation tests and management of bleeding in chronic liver disease.
Med Channel Jun ;17(3):65-8.

Objectives: This Study was basically conducted to high light the importance of plasma prothrombine time (PT), Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time (APTT), fibrinogen levels and platelet count /cumm in patients with liver disease such as chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. To give recommendations for the management of bleeding in these patients. Study Design: Descriptive and Experimental Study. Place And Duration Of Study: Medical Unit-II Peoples Medical College Hospital and Pathology Department, Peoples Medical College, District Shaheed Benazirabad from Feb: 2008 to Feb: 2009. Subjects And Methods: Total 100 subjects were selected among them 50 were patients while 50 were healthy controls which were age, sex and socio economically matched with patients. All the 50 patients were divided in to two groups A and B. Group A composed of 25 patients with chronic hepatitis. Group B composed of 25 patients with cirrhosis of liver, the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of liver was confirmed on the basis of clinical as well as laboratory findings. Results: The mean ages and males to females ratios of patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of liver were 37.5±12.5, 40±15, 2.6:1 and 1.5:1 respectively. The statistically significant difference was found in gender of these patients p<0.05 The Plasma levels of PT, fibrinogen and platelet count /cumm in patients with chronic hepatitis were not significantly different from the healthy controls, while Plasma APTT level was significantly different from the controls. Both Plasma APTT and PT levels were significantly different from controls in patients with cirrhosis. while plasma fibrinogen level and platelet count were not significantly different from control. Conclusions: From the above study, it was concluded that determination of plasma PT, APTT, fibrinogen levels and platelet count /cumm are important for clinician to control bleeding in patients with liver disease by fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and vitamin k administration.

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