Rubeena Gul.
Maternal mortality: a preventable tragedy.
J Med Sci Jun ;18(3):140-2.

Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine the frequency of maternal mortality in the urban areas of Peshawar and the high risk factors contributing to maternal mortality. Material and Methods: A Cross-Sectional Study of high risk factors contributing to maternal mortality amongst females of reproductive age in Peshawar district in 2008 is presented. A cluster sampling of five hundred households were included in the study; a total of 476 women in their reproductive ages were surveyed. Results: Eleven maternal deaths were recorded as a whole. Maternal mortality rate (MMR) was tabulated as 5.28 (1.10%) live births. High-risk mothers were determined to be between the ages of 15-20 years that is 174 (37.7%). Most of the women surveyed 215 (45.45%) were living in houses with monthly income less than Rs. 5000/month (less than $ 3/day). Six patients of 11 (54.54%) maternal deaths were in grand multi-parous during or following normal vaginal delivery (NVD). Most prevalent risk factors responsible for high MMR were the complications of pregnancy. These included pre-existing risk factors such as hypertension 22.9%, anemia 19.6%, while sepsis and hemorrhage made 13.1% each. Conclusion: Low socioeconomic status, marital age, grand multiparity and high risk mothers are still major causes of maternal deaths.

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