Abdul Jamil Choudhry, Sahibzada Azhar Mujib, Mahmuda Mubashar.
Maternal Practices regarding acute Respiratory Tract Infections in an Urban slum of Lahore.
Mother & Child Jun ;35(3):84-90.

Acute Respiratory tract infections (ARI) are responsible for 26.5% of all deaths under five yeras of age in Pakistan. To determine the knowledge and practices of the mothers regarding management of acute respiratory tract infections, 256 randomly selected mothers, having at least one child below 5 years of age where interviewed in an urban slum of Lahore. Seventy five percent children were suffering from ARI at the time of interview. 25% children had suffered during the last two months preceding the interview but were free from any symptom of ARI at the time of interview. Seventy percent mothers consulted private general physicians, 10.9% consulted Government health facility while 23% mothers used various types of home remedies for the management of ARI in their children. In home management, 44.1% mothers used allopathic drugs, 27.1% used Joshanda, 22% vicks rub, 22% honey, 20.3% soanf (aniseed) water, 15.2% tea, 11.9% kept the child warm and 8.5% gave eggs to their children. Majority of mothers 71.2% intiated the home based treatment on their own. Eight four percent mothers said that allopathic medicines should not be used without consulting a qualified doctor, 19.5% mothers considered that the consultation from the doctor for the last episode of ARI in their children was delayed.

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