Iqbal Ahmed Memon, Samina Tariq, Arif Jamil.
Prevalence of malaria in young febrile children.
Pak Paed J Jun ;36(2):70-4.

Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the frequency of malaria in febrile children aged 2 months to 5 years and to document type of plasmodium species in the area. Methodology: Malarial parasite in the thick films and differentiation of the species were sought in the thin slides was done on twelve hundred children coming to the Pediatric Outpatient Department at Civil Hospital Karachi for the evaluation of fever. Data was collected from March 2010 - Febuary 2011. Cinical findings and the type of malarial species was recorded. Results: Out of a total OPD flow of 1200 children coming for evaluation of fever only 5% of febrile children had malaria. P. Falciparum was detected in 85% and P. vivax was seen in 15%. There were associated gastrointestinal symptoms in 18%, respiratory symptoms in 32%, urinary symptoms in 7%, nonspecific symptoms in 32% cases. 53% cases had mixed symptoms. Anemia was present in all cases . More than two thirds children were malnourished while none was having severe malnutrition. Visceromegaly was seen in only 15% of the children (10% having splenomegaly and 5% hepatomegaly). Conclusion: This area falls under the category of “high risk” area for malaria (more than 5% and Plasmodium falciparum is the dominant species fall under). These findings should be confirmed in the light of more broad based studies and continuous monitoring atleast every 5 years is needed in this area.

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