Sadaf Tufail Butt, Shazia Fatima, Rafi Butt, Wajiha Nasir, Ghazal Jameel, Javaid Irfan.
Polyostotic paget's disease.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;22(7):461-3.

Paget\'s disease of bone is a common metabolic bone disease in most of the European countries. The disease has distinct geographical distribution being rare in Asia. We report Paget\'s disease in a 70 years old Pakistani male who presented with history of pain in right leg with difficulty in walking for the last 5 months. Plain X-ray raised suspicion of Paget\'s disease of bone. Technetium-99m MDP bone scan showed involvement of multiple bones. Bone biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. This case illustrates that Paget\'s disease of bone does exist in Pakistan.

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