Cevdet Duger, Ahmet Cemil Isbir, Kenan Kaygusuz, Iclal Ozdemir Kol, Sinan Gursoy, Caner Mimaroglu.
Persistent status epilepticus due to bupropion intoxication.
Anesth Pain Intens Care Jun ;16(3):302-4.

Bupropion is a generally well-tolerated drug and has adverse effects such as headache, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, tremor, drowsiness, agitation, insomnia, hallucinations, allergic reactions and seizures. Although seizures have been reported with therapeutic doses of bupropion, there are few reports presenting development of status epilepticus due to bupropion intoxication with different doses. This rare case of persistent status epilepticus due to intoxication with 9 gm bupropion describes a surviving patient after one of the highest ingested dose cited in literature. We indicate that early management is crucial for patients with intoxication with massive doses of bupropion.

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