Aasma Nudrat Zafar, Shamrez Khan, Saemah Nuzhat Zafar.
Factors associated with breast arterial calcification on mammography.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;23(3):178-81.

Objective: To determine the frequency of breast arterial calcifications (BAC) as seen on mammographic examination and to determine the association between BAC and hypertension, age, parity and weight of the person. Study Design: Cross-sectional analytic study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, from January 2006 to January 2007. Methodology: Two hundred patients undergoing mammography were studied to evaluate the association of BAC with raised blood pressure, age and parity. Previous history of lactation and the patients' weight were also recorded. Proportions of classes were compared using chi-square test. Results: 13.5% of the subjects (n = 200) were positive for BAC on mammograms. Mean age of the BAC positive subjects was higher than their counterparts found negative for BAC. Women bearing 5 – 6 children showed the highest frequency of BAC. Seventy seven (10.38%) of the BAC positive cases had previous history of lactation, whereas 15.44% (n = 123) had not breast fed their children and showed BAC. No significant association of presence of BAC was noted with the weight of the subjects. Conclusion: The frequency of presence of BAC on mammography was associated with systemic hypertension and higher age. It also increased with the reproductive parameters of a woman.

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