Abdul Rehman Alvi, Tanveer Ul Haq, Amyn Pardhan.
Abdominal tuberculosis with massive jejunal haemorrhage.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;23(7):509-11.

Jejunum is a rare site of involvement in intestinal tuberculosis (TB) and massive lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage is an even rare reported condition. The authors report a 15-year-old female student, who presented with fever, anaemia, hypoalbunemia and developed massive lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage during hospital stay. The diagnosis of abdominal TB was established on tissue biopsy; tissue culture was positive for Mycobacterium TB. Optimal outcome was achieved with aggressive resuscitation, repeated mesenteric angio-embolization and anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy.

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