Muhammad Ateeq, Shazia Jehan.
Hidradenitis suppurative - an intractable dermo-surgical disease.
J Rawal Med Coll Jun ;16(2):144-6.

Background: To study the surgical management outcome of Hidradenitis suppurativa Methods: In this descriptive study, patients presenting with Hidradenitis suppurativa were analyzed with reference to presentation and surgical management outcome. Results: Out of 31 patients 3 (09.67%) patients were male and 28 (90.32%) were female. Mean duration of onset of disease and presentation was 15 months. Axilla was the commonest site involved(74.19%) followed by inframammary fold (19.35%). Nine (29.03%) patients presented in the emergency in the form of single or multiple abscess requiring incision & drainage. Excision and primary skin grafting was the most frequent surgical procedure performed in 54.83% with acceptable outcome. Conclusion: Hidradenitis suppurativa needs individualized patient based management strategy with close collaboration of surgeon and dermatologist.

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