Anjum Afshan, Shabnam Shamim Asim.
Immediate postpartum IUCD (PPIUCD) insertion: an opportunity not to be missed.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Jun ;19(1):15-20.

Objective: The present study was planned to evaluate the safety and efficacy of immediate postpartum IUCD insertion in women delivering vaginally or by caesarean section. Method: This prospective study was carried out at Sobhraj Maternity Hospital from 1st July 2012 to 30th June 2013. Women delivering in the hospital fulfilling inclusion criteria were included in the study. Women with prelabour rupture of membranes for >18 hours, chorioamnionitis, temperature >380 C during or after labour, continued excessive postpartum bleeding were excluded from the study. The women included in the study underwent immediate postpartum insertion of Copper T 380A after delivery of placenta in vaginal or caesarean delivery. These women were followed up at 6 weeks and 6 months after delivery. Results: A total of 1238 women were included in the study who underwent immediate postpartum IUCD insertion. 56% of insertions were performed after vaginal delivery and 44% insertions were done at caesarean sections. The follow up rate at 6 weeks was 51% and 14% at 6 months. There were no serious complications associated with immediate postpartum IUCD insertion. The expulsion rate at 6 weeks and 6 months were 5% and 6%. The removal rate was 5% at 6 weeks and 10% at 6 months. The continuation rates were 90% at 6 weeks and 84% at 6 months respectively. Conclusion: This study indicates that immediate PPIUCD insertion is safe and effective. However, the expulsion rate for immediate postpartum IUCD insertion are higher than for interval insertions, but the benefits of providing highly effective contraception immediately after delivery outweigh this disadvantage, particularly in country like ours where women have limited access to healthcare.

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