Mário Maciel De Lima Junior, Mario Maciel De Lima, Fabiana Granja.
Bacterial endocarditis following genital piercing.
J Pioneering Med Students Jun ;4(2):79-80.

We report a case of bacterial endocarditis resulting from genital piercing in a male patient with known prior valvular heart disease. Body piercings have emerged as a fashion trend among teenagers and young adults. Concurrently, the number of complications related to body piercing has risen, alerting doctors and wearers to safety concerns. The potential risks of regional complications in male genital piercings (e.g. irritation, paraphimosis, priapism, rupture of the urethra, urethral stenosis, infections, and obstruction of urinary flow) are underestimated by the wearer. Bacterial endocarditis with genital piercing is a severe complication arising after the implantation of these accessories. Recognizing symptoms early and providing medical treatment is crucial to minimize morbidity and mortality of bacterial endocarditis.

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