Lutfullah Goheer, Saeed Zaman Khattak.
Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis (Risk factors & Clinico-bacteriological profile).
Pak Paed J Jun ;38(4):205-10.

Objective:To study the risk factors and clinicobacteriological profile of early onset neonatal sepsis in a neonatal intensive care unit. Type of study: Observational/descriptive. Setting & Duration: Neonatal intensive care unit, CMH Chunian from 15th December 2010 to 15th June 2012. Material & Methods: Relevant data of maternal risk factors was collected by taking history from mothers and consulting their case records. All infants developing clinical signs/symptoms of sepsis within 7 days of birth with positive blood cultures or supported by at least 2 laboratory parameters were diagnosed to have early onset neonatal sepsis (EONS). Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 19. Results: Among 2620 live births, 82 neonates were diagnosed as a case of EONS (Incidence 31.3/1000 live births), female to male ratio was 1:1.5 and maximum numbers of cases were in 0-3 day’s age group (54.8%). Majority of cases (60.9%) came from low socioeconomic group. Among neonates with EONS 48.8% & 75.6 were low birth weight and preterm respectively. Culture proven cases were only 17.1%. It is noted that among those who developed EONS 71.9% were neonates considered to be at risk for sepsis due to presence of maternal and neonatal risk factors. Prolonged rupture of membranes and foul smelling liquor were the most significant perinatal risk factors. The most important comorbidities were Hyperbilirubinemia (26.8%), metabolic acidosis (19.5%) & DIC (14.6%). In this study, the mortality rate was 7.3%. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas were the commonest causative organisms found in culture positive cases (42.8%). Conclusion: Detection of risk factors & knowledge of clinicobacteriologic profile of EONS can lead to early diagnosis and prompt therapeutic interventions that minimize mortality and morbidity in neonates.

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