Muhammad Naveed Babur, Farah Rashid Siddique, Waqar Ahmed Awan.
Future of physical therapy in pakistan – satisfaction amongst pakistani physical therapists about their profession.
Isra Med J Jun ;6(1):25-7.

OBJECTIVES: To determine the level of satisfaction in Pakistani physical therapists about their profession as well as future prospects in the field. STUDY DESIGN: A cross sectional Survey. PLACE AND DURATION: A structured Questionnaire was introduced to one hundred Physiotherapists selected through purposive sampling technique for the study in Rawalpindi from different Physiotherapy institutions of Pakistan from June 2010 to August 2010. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS 17. METHODOLOGY: A total of 100, (male 69 and 31 females) professional Physiotherapists were interviewed about their opinion regarding their future and satisfaction in the physiotherapy profession. There were only 32% (n=32) PTs who were satisfied with their professional growth and 68% (n=68) who were not satisfied with the professional growth in Pakistan. RESULTS: A total of 100, (male 69 and 31 females) professional Physiotherapists were interviewed about their opinion regarding their future and satisfaction in the physiotherapy profession. There were only 32% (n=32) PTs who were satisfied with their professional growth and 68% (n=68) who were not satisfied with the professional growth in Pakistan. CONCLUSION: Considerably low level of satisfaction was found amongst the participants regarding their earnings and quality of education. Mostly the participants were hopeful in future to see their profession developed with the help of regulatory body and empirical commitments from the government.

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