Rakesh Guru, Muhammad A Siddiqui, Amir-ur-rehman.
Professional identity (role blurring) of occupational therapy in community mental health in India.
Isra Med J Jun ;5(2):155-9.

The aim of this article is to describe the experience of health professionals who struggle for professional identity (role blurring) whilst working in a community mental health setting nationally (India) as an occupational therapist. The articles which were chosen for this study mostly belong to United Kingdom, United States and Australia, because the nature of occupational therapy in community mental health is somewhat similar in these parts of world compared to India. But due to lack of sufficient research, the author was bound to choose some articles from the late nineties. In this study the author is trying to give focus on few aspects such as inter professional conflicts, professional identity and occupational injustice at worldwide level and some issues at national, departmental and personal level with future recommendation. There still plenty to be done to prevent role blurring which is causing damage towards the identity of occupational therapist in India. Each professional should take it very sincerely and try to maintain professional boundaries, focus on more research and collaborative work, staff education, and professional dignity.

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