Shamsunnisa Rashdi, Ziauddin A Kashmiri, Umair-ul Islam, Sohail Haie, Fauzia Iqbal, Noreen Iftikhar.
Pretreatment with magnesium sulphate and ketamine reduces myoclonus after etomidate administration.
Pak J Surg Jun ;29(3):216-9.

Objective: Comparison of eff ect of pretreatment with Magnesium and two diff erent doses of Ketamine on the incidence and severity of myoclonic movements and pain during induction of anesthesia with Etomidate. Study design: Interventional, Double Blind and Quasi Experimental. Sett ing and duration of study: Study conducted in the Department of Anesthesia, Surgical Intensive Care and Pain Management, Civil Hospital and Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi. Duration was from May 2008 to December 2008. Patients and Methods: Aft er obtaining approvals from Th e Ethics Committ ee, Dow Medical College, and the Department concerned, informed consent was taken from 100 Patients admitt ed for elective surgery by lott ery method. Both male and female ASA I and II patients were selected. Patients were divided into four groups of 25 each. Group M was given Magnesium 60 mg I /v, Group K1 was given Ketamine 0.2mg/kg I /v, Group K2 was given Ketamine 0.5mg/kg I and Group S was given normal Saline. Results: myoclonic movements and sedation in the four groups were compared, group M (n= 25) received 60 mg I /v, had myoclonus in 16 (64%) and sedation in 3 patients (12%), Group K1 received Ketamine 0.2mg/kg I /v in these patients myoclonus was seen in 16 (64%) and 23 (92%)patients developed sedation, Group K2 were given Ketamine 0.5mg/kg I /v and had myoclonus in 14 (56 %) and sedation in 24 (96%)patients. Group S were given only Normal Saline myoclonus was observed in 15(60%) and 5 (20%) were sedated. p value for myoclonus was 0.92 and for sedation was 0.001. data was analyzed on SPSS 11 Categorical Variables were tested on Chi Square and Mean comparison between Groups was done by ANOVA. p value less than 0.05 was considered signifi cant. Conclusion: NMDA receptor blockers Ketamine and Magnesium Sulphate did not prevent myoclonus aft er etomidate in our study.

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