Hoor Fatima, Hafiz Rafiq Tagar, Afshan Chodhry, Shafqat Qamar.
Analysis of BMD and Serum Calcium Level in Patients with or without Bony Metastatic Breast Cancer.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jun ;5(3):127-30.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To analyze bone mineral density (BMD) and serum calcium in patients with and without bony metastatic breast cancer. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in KIRAN Hospital Karachi and Department of Biochemistry, BMSI-JPMC Karachi from March 2011 to March 2012 .After approval by BASR of Karachi University 200 diagnosed cases of breast cancer, reproductive and postmenopausal age group females, passing through any stage of cancer, married or unmarried, lactating or non-lactating, having different body mass index, passing through any cycle of chemotherapy and radiotherapy were selected. Consent of patients was taken on a form. Bone scan was done on Siemen E Cam scanner. Intravenous dye 20/mci technetium 99 MDP has been used, to check the bone metastasis in breast cancer patients. Test for Bone Mineral Density was done on Hologic software version 12. Serum calcium levels were checked on Selectra-E- semi auto biochemical analyzer. Results: 40-49 years group showed highest number of cases of osteoporosis (24%). Bone scan positive patients showed osteopenia (11%) in 40-49 years group. Distribution of subjects with osteopenia (15%) was more common in bone scan negative patients especially in age group of 40-49 years. Serum calcium level was found to be comparatively increased in bone scan positive patients than in bone scan negative patients again in age group 40-49. Conclusion: In bone scan positive patients osteoporosis and serum calcium were high in comparison to bone scan negative patients with most vulnerable age group being 40-49 years, in diagnosed cases of breast cancer. Keywords: Breast cancer Bony metastasis Bone scan Bone mineral density Osteoporosis Osteopenia Serum calcium

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