Imran Inayat Yousafzai, Muhammad Zubair, Muhammad Ali Khan, Nasrullah, Ghufranullah, Ismail Khan.
Perception of baccalaureate nursing students regarding different learning styles.
Adv Health Prof Educ Jun ;1(2):74-8.

BACKGROUND Learning is a complex cognitive process and its acquisition takes place in many ways. Among the mod- els commonly used for learning styles is the visual, auditory and kinesthetic (VAK) model. Variations certainly are there in the preferred learning styles of learners and it depends on various factors. AIM In this study the three modes of learning styles are assessed among Baccalaureate nursing students from different public and private nursing colleges in Peshawar (KPK). METHODOLOGY The study was done at the 1Institute of Nursing Sciences, Khyber medical University Peshawar, Pakistan in 2014. A total of 100 final year students including males and females from Post RN BSN and Generic BS Nursing were selected in this cross-sectional study. RESULTS Most of the students were found to prefer the visual style of learning i.e. (61%), whereas the response for auditory and kinesthetic styles was 33% and 6% respectively. In light of this study, visual style is the most preferred mode of learning for majority of the students. CONCLUSION In translating nursing knowledge to standard nursing practices the importance of kinesthetic learning cannot be overlooked. All the three learning styles have their importance in its place depending upon the content to be taught and on context in which knowledge is imparted.

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