Khalid Hussain Qureshi, Mustafa Kamal, Muhammad Hamid Ali Shah, Naseer Ahmed Tariq, Salman Ahmad Tipu.
Management of Fistula-in-Ano.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;12(6):361-3.

Objective: To find out the recurrence rate and continence of low or high anal fistula, following surgery. Design: A prospective study. Place and Duration of Study: First Surgical Unit, Nishtar Hospital, Multan from January 2000 to July 2001. Materials and Methods: Fifty-four patients were subdivided into two groups i.e. low and high anal fistulae and were operated by laying open technique (fistulotomy) for low fistulae and by two-stage fistulotomy, seton cut-through technique and re-routing of the tract for high fistulae. Results: Overall recurrence was 4.44% for low fistulae and 11.11 % for high fistula in-ano. Minor incontinence was observed following surgery for high variety. No such complication occurred in low variety. Conclusion : Low fistulae can be laid open with minimal loss of sphincter muscle but as far as the high variety is concerned it is safer to place a seton or stage the procedure.


ssalamoalaikum Hi Mr. Khalid Read ur article in JCPSP.Good work but comparing two different types of fistulae seems strange ,as high anal fistula is a different type of problem as compared o low one.
Posted by: TK on Aug 2002

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