Mohammed Babar Qureshi, Mohammed Daud Khan, Mohammed Aman Khan.
Current Status of Trachoma in Pakistan.
Pak J Ophthalmol Jun ;14(4):165-71.

Trachoma is a major public health problem in Pakistan, but so far no data are available as to the exact prevalence of the disease. A rapid assessment methodology was developed and data collected on active trachoma and its lid complications. The information was generated from district ophthalmologists of randomly selected districts and tertiary centers in order to get a handle on the mode of presentation for Identifying the possible ways of intervention. Active trachoma was found to be the most common presentation (2.4%), followed by trichlasis (1.6%). Very few ophthalmologists were aware of the new WHO grading system for trachoma(48%) and the elements of primary health care (24%). This study may act as a guide to those wishing to undertake rapid assessments or detailed surveys or evolve strategies for intervention. A `SAFE` (Surgery, Antibiotics, Face washing and Environmental change) strategy may be recommended for Pakistan, in order to eliminate trachoma as a cause of blindness in the next decade.

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