Khalid Iqbal Talpur, Shafi Mohammad Jatoi, Saeed Ahmed Khan.
Dacryocystorhinostomy - A Clinical Report of 54 Cases.
Pak J Ophthalmol Jun ;14(4):172-6.

A clinical report is presented of 54 cases of dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) performed at the Liaquat Medical College Eye Hospital, Unit ll, Hyderabad, between August 1995 and July 1997. There were 14 males and 40 females. Ages were between 8 to 60 years, the average being 34 years. Indications were epiphora In 48 cases, mucocele in 5 cases and mucocele with lacrimal fistula in 1 case. All cases but 3 had intubation with silicone tube. Follow-up was between 3 to 15 months, the average being 9 months. 53 patients (98.14%) were completely relieved of watering. Only one patient with mucocele and lacrimal fistula had persistent watering.

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