Sameera Irfan.
Management of Involutional Entropion of the Lower Lid.
Pak J Ophthalmol Jun ;16(3):120-3.

Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of lower lid retractor plication in ensuring a permanent cure for involutional type of lower lid entropion. Materials & Methods: This was a prospective study in a teaching hospital. One hundred sixty-four consecutive cases of involutional type of lower lid entropion with 84 males and 72 females (8 were bilateral) between the ages of 40-72 years were performed by a single surgeon (S.I). They included 108 primary cases and 56 recurrent cases. All of them had lower lid retractor plication. The follow-up was between 6 months and 2 years. Results: One hundred fifty-nine cases were fully corrected (97%). Five cases were overcorrected (3%). No recurrence was noted in any case. Conclusion: Lower lid retractor plication is a simple surgical procedure which ensures a permanent cure In almost 100% of cases if performed carefully.

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