Gul-e-raana, Asima Malik, Rukhshan Khurshid.
Risk of osteoporosis in first degree relatives of patients with diabetes mellitus: a study of bone mineral ions.
Pak J Physiol Jun ;7(1):20-2.

Background: Diabetes may influence the bone in multiple pathways, some with contradictory effects. These mechanisms include changes in insulin and hypercalciuria, phophatemia, hypomagnesaemia associated with glycosuria. We tried to find out level of minerals in first degree relatives of patients with diabetes mellitus as there is relationship between bone minerals and glycemic controls. Methods: Fifty local subjects age range 40−50 years with family history of diabetes (first degree relatives) were included in the study. Duration of study was 6 months. Levels of blood sugar, serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were estimated by standard Randox kits. 10 males and 10 female subjects with no history of diabetes were considered as normal controls. Results: The level of blood glucose in both sexes was increased as compared to their controls but this showed no significant difference. Level of serum calcium and magnesium were significantly decreased (p<0.05, 0.001) in both males and females when compared with the values of their controls. Level of phosphorous was significantly increased (p<0.05) in both first degree relatives of male and females as compared to level of phosphorous of their controls. Conclusion: Pre-diabetes and undiagnosed T2DM are conditions for which screening can be helpful to find out that first degree relatives not only at risk to develop diabetes but they also likely to develop osteoporosis in a sizable portion of the population. However there is a need for further research including the incidence and risk factors for osteoporotic fractures in first degree relatives of diabetics.

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