Rab Nawaz, Shafiq-ur Rehman, Shah Nawaz, Bushra Iftikhar.
Analysis of heavy metals in red meat in district Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
J Med Sci Jun ;23(3):166-71.

Objective: To determine toxic heavy metals in red meat samples at Peshawar. Material and Methods: This study was conducted in Peshawar from January 2013 to December 2013. Hundred red meat samples were collected randomly from thirty different union councils of District Peshawar. Samples were transported to the laboratory by keeping in separate plastic bags and kept in refrigerator for processing. In order to detect these metals in various samples, methodology based on the principle of heavy metals that absorb different wavelengths of light is adopted and is termed as flame atomic absorption Spectrophotometer. Results: Mean concentration of Cadmium and Lead in meat samples was 0.107 ug and 2.133 ug respectively. Average concentration of cadmium in buffalo and cow meat was 0.19 ug and 0.14 ug. Average concentration of lead in buffalo and cow meat was 2.52 ug and 1.95 ug. The distribution and concentration of metals varied in different organs of both species. Mean lead concentration in buffalo organ meat was higher than the permissible limits set internationally. Mean mercury concentration was higher in meat of both species. Mean of Cadmium (Cd) concentration in meat samples of both species were below the permissible limits. Conclusion: There is difference in the concentrations of elements across different areas and meat samples from different parts and organs of cows and buffalos. This in turn can be related to the origin of organism or food preferences.

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