Kiran Rafiq, Zafar Saied Saify, Bina Shoaib, Mohammad Amin Solangi.
Non-Doctor Prescription Practices and Self-Medication: A Study on the Factors and Resources.
Ann Jinnah Sindh Med Uni Jun ;2(1):25-7.

Objective: Self medication is allied with certain health hazards such as wrong opinion, excessive and prolonged use of medicine. It is the easiest way to treat self-recognized or self-diagnosed conditions or symptoms specifically in the society where illiteracy rate matters. Methodology: In present study the conduct of general population regarding self treatment is viewed. The factors responsible for the behavior and the frequency of consumption of various medicines were also observed. Result: According to the present study the Pakistani population was highly found practicing self medication, despite of having knowledge of side effects 50% population adopt accordingly. Moreover non prescription dispensing of medicine and other resources like media and community behavior support the practice. Conclusion: The study reveals high Prevalence of self-medication among general population despite of being aware of its harmful effects. These outcome of study realizes the need to strengthen the monitoring systems that will help to support relationship among patients, physicians and pharmacists and as well the provision of education to all concerned on safe self medication for minimizing risks. Key words: Self medication, health, population, patients, physicians, pharmacists.

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