Basheer Rehman, Qiam-ud Din, Murad Ali Shah, Shuja Riaz Ansari.
Characteristics of Maxillofacial Fractures Resulting from Road Traffic Accidents- An Analysis of 250 Patients.
J Pak Dent Assoc Jun ;19(3):158-63.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to document the characteristics of maxillofacial fractures resulting from road traffic accidents. METHODOLOGY: The study was carried on 250 patients presenting with maxillofacial fractures resulting from road traffic accidents. On the basis of history, clinical and radiological examination, fractures were classified as dentoalveolar fracture, mandibular fracture, maxillary fracture (Lefort I, II and III), isolated zygomatic arch fracture, zygomatic complex fracture, nasal bone and orbital fractures. Data was analysed by statistical analysis tool using SPSS version 17. RESULT: Males in their 2nd and 3rd decades were the most common victims. Among the isolated bone fractures (n=208), mandible was the most commonly fractured bone (n=104) followed by zygomatic complex (n=50). The frequently observed pattern among mandibular fracture was parasymphysis (31.6%), among zygomatic complex was Group IV (n=29) while maxillary fractures showed a pattern of combined Lefort I, II and III (n=21). CONCLUSION: Road traffic accidents are predictable and preventable. Basic knowledge regarding road safety measures and its implementation is necessary. It can be concluded from this study that majority of the patients were young adult males. The most common bone fractured was mandible both in isolation and combination.

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