Marium Iqbal, Laeeq-uz Zaman, Mohsina Noor Ibrahim.
Prevalence of Dental Practice and Dietary Habits Among Students Under Six Years of Age, in Urban Karachi.
J Pak Dent Assoc Jun ;20(2):93-7.

OBJECTIVE The prime objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of practices in children under six years of age, which are known to affect occurrence of dental caries. METHODOLOGY: This was a cross-sectional study. Data was collected using questionnaire, sent to the parents of preschool children through school administration. Total 630 questionnaires were sent out. Parents were addressed for fact finding. Various risk factors were identified during literature review. We added certain other factors based on our local experience, and finally selected the most relevant factors. Subjects were included based on age and parental consent to share information RESULT: We found a mixed prevalence of flawed and beneficial practices among the subjects of our study. However, most were comparable or encouraging when compared to the international literature, including studies from more developed nations. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, we could recommend that in a mixed prevalence of practices, awareness programs emphasizing the good practices and discouraging the unhealthy practices could play a significant role in practice improvement at this age .

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