Mamoora Arslaan, Shahrukh Ahmed, Aqeel Ahmed Sheikh, Daud Mirza.
Frequency And Motive Behind Shisha Smoking Among Students Of Private Universities Of Karachi.
J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll Jun ;7(2):91-5.

Objective: To determine the frequency and primary motive behind the initiation of smoking Shisha (waterpipe) among the students of private universities of Karachi. Methodology: It was a Cross sectional study conducted in three private universities of Karachi comprising of 400 students of different disciplines. The study was questionnaire based. Data was entered on SPSS version 23 to derive results. Results: Our study consisted of 400 subjects, out of which 261 (65.3%) were male and 139(34.8%) were female. The mean age of the students was 21.12 (STDĀ± 3.07). 195(74.7%) male and 87(64%) female students agreed that they had tried Shisha smoking. The students of Engineering (n= 125, 31.33%) were found more into the practice of smoking Shisha. Pleasure was the primary motive for initiation of Shisha smoking (29.75%). Mint flavour was highest in demand recommended by 69% male students (n=199/288). Regarding knowledge related to harms, 212 students out of 363 agreed upon the fact that smoking Shisha is more harmful as compared to cigarettes, whereas 37 students (9. 25%) did not respond to the question. Also 282 (70.5%) agreed to the fact that Shisha is less addictive. Conclusion: High prevalence of Shisha smoking was observed among engineering students due to pleasure and socialization. Interventions should be implemented in order to promote awareness concerning health hazards and necessary measures ought to be carried out to extricate youth from this trend. Keywords: Shisha, Waterpipe, Pleasure, Socialization, Health hazards

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