Daulat Khan.
Congenital teratoma of the hard palate (Epignathus).
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;12(9):560-1.

We are presenting two male neonates with oral teratoma (epignathus) protruding out of mouth, brought in emergency with respiratory difficulty and drooling of saliva. After initial stabilization, patients underwent excision of the tumor and made uneventful recovery. Biopsy revealed teratoma.

A three days old male baby was brought with a mass lesion protruding out of mouth. Patient was in obvious respiratory distress. Peripheral cyanosis was present that improved with suctioning of oral cavity. There was continuous drooling of saliva. Investigations including x-ray skull were within normal limits. Patient was operated electively. Endotracheal intubation was difficult because of the presence of mass. It was pushed by the assistant anaesthetist to one side in order to put laryngoscope. Tumor was attached to hard palate with broad base and measured 10 cms x 4.5 cms. It was completely excised. The raw area was left as such. Patient made uneventful recovery and was discharged on 4th postoperative day (Figure-II). Biopsy revealed disorganized mesodermal tissue with areas of stratified squamous epithelium. No well-defined organ tissue could be identified. The lesion did not show any malignant tissue.

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