Tauseef Raza, Sergei Borisivich Nazarov, Irina Konstatinovna Tomilova, Aleksei Valerivich Philosophov.
Metabolism Of Nitric Oxide And Lipid Peroxidation In Children With Perthes` Disease And Transient Synovitis Of The HIP Joint.
J Med Sci Jun ;25(1):54-8.

Objective: To study parameters of metabolism of nitric oxide (NO) and lipid peroxidation - malondialdehyde (MDA) and conjugated dienes (CD) in children with Perthes disease (PD) and Transient synovitis of the hip joint. Material and Methods: This study was conducted at Children Clinical Hospital No 1, Ivanovo, Russia from November 2012 to February 2014. A total of one hundred and thirty six children (sixteen children from control group), and one hundred and twenty one children diagnosed as PD and TS were examined. In the whole blood and plasma nitrate ions (NI) were analyzed by electrichemical method. Parameters of lipid peroxidation were measured in plasma, malondialdehyde (MDA) by tiobarbiturate method, and conjugated dienes (CD) by spectrophotometric method. Patients data was processed statistically using SPSS version 14. Results: In TS data analysis revealed reliable increase in the concentration of NI in the whole blood (1,5 ± 0,15) and (1,6 ± 0,16) in the plasma, as compared with the control group and patients with stage I of PD. In PD the products of NO changed depending upon the stage of disease. In stage I the concentration of NI constituted (1,90 ± 0,09) in the whole blood, and (1,8 ± 0,11) in the plasma. In TS the parameters of lipid peroxidation: MDA constituted 7,5 ± 0,38 in the plasma. In Perthes disease MDA and DC changed with the disease progression. There was reliable increase in MDA, comparing both with control group and TS during stage I of disease and constituted (8,6 ± 0,44). There was a reliable increase (p < 0,05) in the parameters of NI and lipid peroxidation (MDA), both in TS and PD as compared with the control group, but also in between the TS and stage I of PD. Conclusion: In children with PD parameters of end products of NO and lipid peroxidation (MDA) were twice raised in comparison with the control group, and authentically differed from patients with TS during stage I of the disease.

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